Safe furniture without formaldehyde: how to protect your health

"Safe furniture without formaldehyde: How to protect your health" - A guide to environmentally conscious living.


Safe furniture without formaldehyde: how to protect your health

We spend a large part of our lives indoors, especially within our own four walls. It is important to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of formaldehyde, a gaseous substance found in many furniture and building materials. Formaldehyde can cause various health problems, from skin irritation to respiratory problems. This article will tell you how to choose safer formaldehyde-free furniture and protect your health.

What is formaldehyde and why is it harmful?

Formaldehyde is a colorless, gaseous reagent found in many composite materials and furniture. It is often used to preserve wood products and can also be present in carpets, paints and adhesives. Formaldehyde can cause eye, nose and throat irritation and worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. Long-term exposure can even cause cancer.

How do I recognize formaldehyde-free furniture?

Es kann schwierig sein, formaldehydfreie Möbel zu erkennen, da der Stoff oft unter verschiedenen Namen auftaucht, wie z.B. “Naphthalinharz” oder “Harnstoff-Formaldehyd”. Ein guter Anhaltspunkt ist jedoch, nach Möbeln mit dem Siegel “Blauer Engel” oder dem EU-Ecolabel zu suchen, die beide strenge Formaldehyd-Grenzwerte einhalten. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, Möbel von Herstellern zu kaufen, die formaldehydfreie Produkte anbieten und dies auf ihren Etiketten oder Websites angeben.

What alternatives are there to furniture containing formaldehyde?

There are many alternatives to furniture containing formaldehyde that are just as stylish and functional. Solid wood, bamboo, cork or linen furniture are all natural materials that are formaldehyde-free. Furniture made from recycled or reclaimed wood is also a good choice. Another option is to buy used furniture that has already vented and no longer emits formaldehyde.

  • Furniture made of solid wood, bamboo, cork or linen is formaldehyde-free
  • Recycled wood or used furniture are other alternatives
  • Achten Sie auf das Siegel “Blauer Engel” oder das EU-Ecolabel

Where can I find safer furniture without formaldehyde?

There are more and more furniture manufacturers who have specialized in formaldehyde-free products or who comply with strict limit values. One way is to research online and read reviews from other customers. Furniture stores like IKEA or Mömax also offer formaldehyde-free furniture that you can try on site. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also buy furniture from a TÜV-certified manufacturer who carries out strict controls.

How can I protect my health additionally?

In addition to buying formaldehyde-free furniture, there are other steps you can take to protect your health. One way is to ventilate regularly to improve the air quality in your home. Another option is to place plants indoors as they can filter toxic chemicals from the air. When you buy new furniture, it's a good idea to let it air dry before using it.

“Es gibt mittlerweile formaldehydfreie Alternativen zu nahezu allen Möbeln, die man sich vorstellen kann.” – Prof. Dr. Gerd Dethlefs, Umwelthygieniker

Conclusion: A conscious choice for health.

Wenn es um unsere Gesundheit geht, sollten wir uns bewusst sein, welche Schadstoffe in unseren Möbeln und Wohnräumen vorhanden sind. Formaldehyd ist ein Stoff, der in vielen Möbeln und Bauwerkstoffen vorkommt und gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen kann. Durch die Wahl von formaldehydfreien Möbeln und die Verbesserung der Luftqualität in unseren Innenräumen können wir unsere Gesundheit schützen. Es gibt viele Alternativen zu formaldehydhaltigen Möbeln, darunter Massivholz, Bambus, Kork oder recyceltes Holz. Es ist wichtig, auf Siegel wie den “Blauen Engel” oder das EU-Ecolabel zu achten und bei Bedarf einen TÜV-geprüften Hersteller zu wählen. Durch eine bewusste Wahl können wir dazu beitragen, unsere Gesundheit zu schützen und gleichzeitig eine umweltfreundlichere Zukunft zu schaffen.


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