remove formaldehyde | guidance and tips

Depending on the nature of the source, one or more measures can be used to quickly remove formaldehyde. In the following section we have compiled some common measures.


Step 1: Educate yourself about formaldehyde

The first step to removing formaldehyde is to educate yourself. Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a characteristic, pungent odor that is commonly used as a component of adhesives, textiles, and furniture. However, it can also occur as a pollutant in the air, for example when it is released by building materials or furniture. A high load with Formaldehyde can cause symptoms such as eye irritation, coughing, headaches and breathing difficulties. Long-term exposure can also potentially lead to cancer. Formaldehyde can also get stuck in clothing and furniture, spreading odors there. In this article we have briefly summarized how formaldehyde can be detected and removed and what measures can help. 

Step 2: Locate suspicious items or locations

Intuition or the characteristic smell usually helps at the beginning to detect a source of formaldehyde. For example, can you detect a pungent odor in a certain place in the room or apartment? Are there places that are often stuffy or the air is still? Write these places on a list. Then air out all areas as thoroughly as possible and repeat the odor test again after 24 hours. According to your individual assessment, are some places confirmed? Please note that the evaporation of formaldehyde depends on the temperature. Therefore, make sure that the room temperature remains constant between 23 – is 25 °C.

Step 3: Remove formaldehyde using a test kit

If you are unsure or the smell test is too unclear, then we recommend using one formaldehyde test narrow down the source of the pollutant. In the following article we have 4 typical test methods compared so that you can choose the test that suits your case. For example, this is a simple and quick test that quickly provides site-specific information about formaldehyde emissions Pollupatch room kit.



Step 4: Choose the right measure to remove formaldehyde

Depending on the nature of the source, one or more measures can be used to quickly remove formaldehyde. In the following section we have compiled some common measures.

Movable Items & Furniture:


  1. Air out:
    Let the item air out on the balcony or in the fresh air over a weekend.
  2. Close open wood spots:
    Tape open wood spots with aluminum tape from the hardware store. Look for damage to the surface or open pressboard edges.

  3. bake out:
    Put the object in the oven for 3-4 hours at about 60°C and let the formaldehyde evaporate. Alternatively, you can also heat the object in the room by heating the room as high as possible (over 28 °C) for 48 hours and then ventilating it well. Avoid entering the room during this time.
  4. Exchange:
    If the above measures do not help, we recommend replacing it with a new certified (e.g. Blue Angel) item.
  5. Re-test and report damage: According to emissions guidelines, products may only emit limited formaldehyde. If you want to claim damage, we recommend validating your suspicion with a laboratory analysis, calling in an expert and contacting the manufacturer about it.

Fixed building materials and coatings


  1. Further identification of the cause
    Typical sources can be floor coverings, wooden beams, coatings, fiberglass mats, insulation foams, soundproofing foam panels. Lacquers and paints can also emit formaldehyde. Try to identify the exact source by further testing if possible.
  2. bake out
    If it is a surface, heating the room (see furniture) can help.
  3. Clean
    Cleaning with a hot water high-pressure cleaner may also help. Hot water will at least loosen the formaldehyde from the surface and may help temporarily.
  4. sealing
    Another possibility is to seal the open areas of the building material, if possible, and thus prevent further outgassing. Get advice from the hardware store to find a suitable, certified product.
  5. Find an expert
    Experts are needed for the right renovation, especially when it comes to deep and structuring materials such as beams. Contact a building surveyor or building biologist who can help you individually.
  6. Validate your results
    We recommend that you have a laboratory analysis of your building material or material so that you have reliable data in the event of major damage.

textiles and clothing

  1. Air out:
    Let the garment or textile air out on the balcony or in the fresh air over a weekend.
  2. Avoid synthetic fibers
    Insbesondere Kleidungsstücke aus Polyesterfasern oder Stücke, die als “knitterfrei” klassifiziert werden, enthalten oft Chemikalien, welche Formaldehydausdünsten. Vermeiden Sie diese oder lassen Sie diese länger auslüften.  

  3. washing out:
    Put the garment or piece of textile in a 60 °C wash and wash it for at least 45 minutes without detergent. Let the piece wash thoroughly in the program and then dry it in the fresh air.
  4. Exchange:
    If the above measures do not help, we recommend replacing it with a new piece of clothing. Pay attention to textile seals such as Greenpeace Detox or ZDHC. Avoid clothing with a high synthetic fiber content.


Depending on the source of the pollutant, various measures can be used to remove formaldehyde, and you can often help yourself. If the problem is deeper, extensive remedial measures may also be necessary under certain circumstances. This is where it really helps to identify exactly where the problem is coming from. However, the priority is to deal with the topic right from the start and to pay attention to certificates and product quality. The best scenario is always to avoid potential sources of pollution from the start. In order to identify the source of the pollutant yourself, commercially available Formaldehyde rapid tests bring certainty.

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