
rauchgeruch entfernen

No more disreputable: This is how you succeed in removing the smell of smoke

In order to remove the smell of smoke from the apartment, the first step should be to ventilate the rooms. If no improvement is felt as a result, further measures should be considered. Special air purifiers or even the help of a professional service provider are helpful here. Odorizers can also be used to mask the smell of smokers.

No more disreputable: This is how you succeed in removing the smell of smoke Read More »

undefinierbarer geruch in der wohnung

Undefinable smell in apartment | Where does it come from and what helps against it?

An indefinable smell in the apartment can be a source of nuisance and even a health hazard. It is often difficult to identify the cause of the smell and to solve the problem. In this article we will look at the possible causes of undefinable smells in the home and give tips on how to eliminate them.

Undefinable smell in apartment | Where does it come from and what helps against it? Read More »

formaldehyd in raumluft sollte vermieden werden

Formaldehyde in indoor air | You should definitely know that | Room air check made easy | advice and tips

Formaldehyde is a chemical compound that can be found in indoor air. It is a colorless gas with a characteristic odor and is widely used as a binder or solvent in various everyday products. Continuous pollution of the room air with formaldehyde can be harmful to health and cause respiratory problems, headaches and discomfort.

Formaldehyde in indoor air | You should definitely know that | Room air check made easy | advice and tips Read More »

formaldehyd test vergleich zwischen pollupatch dräger biocheck temptop messgerät und raumluft laboranalyse

4 formaldehyde tests compared | Test kit or room air analysis? | You should know that.

Formaldehyde pollution can endanger health – it is all the more important to get certainty quickly. In our formaldehyde test comparison we summarize different possibilities. From small self-test kits to scientific indoor air analyses. Here we compare which tests really help to get our living space free of pollutants.

4 formaldehyde tests compared | Test kit or room air analysis? | You should know that. Read More »


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