Further information
Formaldehyde is an organic chemical compound found in various chemical products and in some everyday products such as textiles, furniture, plastics and cleaning products. It is a strong irritant, so it is important to know your formaldehyde limit to avoid overexposure.
Different forms of formaldehyde include liquid formaldehyde, solvent formaldehyde and the gaseous formaldehyde. The limit value of formaldehyde is particularly important because liquid formaldehyde is known to contain high levels of harmful substances that can cause serious health problems (headaches, dizziness and asthma). In addition, there are solvent formaldehyde and gaseous formaldehyde, the ingredients of which can cause numerous environmental damage, such as climatic anomalies and the destruction of flora and fauna.
Formaldehyde has many different effects. It is a strong allergen, meaning individuals who tend to be sensitive to certain substances may be hypersensitive or allergic to formaldehyde. It is also a potentially carcinogenic biological mutagen that can alter genes, which can lead to cell cycle problems. Formaldehyde is an irritating substance that can irritate the respiratory tract and skin. If severe allergic reactions and systemic diseases are caused by formaldehyde, this can lead to a deterioration in immunity. Repeated irritation from formaldehyde can lead to chronic inflammatory reactions, which in severe cases can lead to cancer.
Strict limits for formaldehyde have been established in recent years to protect individuals, groups and the environment from chemical harm. Compliance with the limit values is currently monitored by the European Union (EU) and the national governments. EU Directive 28, introduced in 2010, is the binding limit value system for formaldehyde and sets restrictions on emissions and other types of waste. In some Member States, formaldehyde emissions may not exceed 8 mg/m3 indoors and 0.1 mg/m3 outdoors. Limit values for formaldehyde content in packaging materials are also specified.
Zu den rechtlichen Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung der Grenzwerte für Formaldehyd gehören ausreichende Sicherheits- und Kontrollmaßnahmen. Beispielsweise werden während des Produktionsprozesses standardisierte Tests durchgeführt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Grenzwerte eingehalten werden. So wurde z.B. eingeräumt, dass „eine Datenverwaltung und Schulung über den Umgang mit Formaldehyd ein notwendiger Bestandteil des Produktionprozesses sind, um den Gesamtwert des Formaldehyds zu minimieren“ (“Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung von Grenzwerten bei Formaldehyd”, 2017). Auch technische Maßnahmen sind erforderlich, so müssen beispielsweise Lüftungsanlagen modernisiert werden, um die Emissionen zu reduzieren.
In summary, it can be said that formaldehyde is a health risk and that certain limit values must therefore be observed in order to protect human health. There are different forms of formaldehyde that have different uses and will dissolve in air after contact with water. The effects of formaldehyde are fairly well known and include allergic and irritating effects on the respiratory system and other organs. That is why there are currently official tolerance values for formaldehyde that must be met, and there are legal measures to ensure that such limit values are met.